Friday, December 27, 2019
Strong Interest Inventory - All About This Career Assessment
Strong Interest Inventory - All About This Career AssessmentStrong Interest Inventory - All About This Career AssessmentThe Strong Interest Inventory is a career self assessment tool. Career development specialists administer it to clients as a way to measure their interests and ultimately help them choose a career or college major. It was developed by E.K. Strong, a psychologist, in the early twentieth century. A Brief History of E.K. Strongs Interest Inventory In 1927, E.K. Strong published the self assessment tool that would many years later become the Strong Interest Inventory. He called it the Strong Vocational Interest Blank. It was the very first tool that could measure peoples interests- their likes and dislikes. Why would we want to know what peoples interests are? To answer that, we must look back at what Strong and other psychologists learned about people several years earlier. After trying to figure out why some people were satisfied with their careers and some were n ot, they discovered that people employed in the same occupation had common interests. What a great way, they thought, to help people choose suitable careers. If there were only a way to assess peoples interests. They set out to do so, and that is how E.K. Strongs interest inventory came to be. There have been many revisions and name changes to it over the years. When David S. Campbell, E.K. Strongs successor, revised the inventory in 1974, he renamed it the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory. In 1997 the Strong Interest Inventory was published and that name has remained with the fruchtwein recent version published by CPP, 2012. Taking The Strong Interest Inventory Choosing a career, especially if you have no idea what you want to do, may require the services of a career development specialist. This professional can help you learn about yourself and show you how to use that information to find a suitable occupation. He or she will choose the appropriate self assessment to ols to discover your interests, personality type, work-related values, and aptitudes. One of those instruments may be the Strong Interest Inventory, but only if he or she is Strong Certified by CPP, Inc. Career counselors, career coaches, guidance counselors, and college advisors may have this credential. The Strong Interest Inventory contains 291 items and will take between 35 to 40 minutes to complete. Expect to answer questions about your preferences regarding occupations, subject areas, work and leisure activities, people, and characteristics. Understanding Your Results Your Strong Interest Inventory results will come in the form of a report. The professional who administers the test should go over it with you to make sure you understand it. He or she should inform you that, even though the report contains a list of occupations that might be suitable for you based on your answers, it doesnt necessarily mean they are. Always thoroughly explore any career you are considering before moving forward. Your report will be presented in six sections General Occupational Themes (GOT) General Occupational Themes are six broad areas that represent the personality types that John Holland, a psychologist, identified. Holland believed that all people fall into one or more of six types based on their interests and approaches to life situations Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. He surmised that work environments could also be categorized into these six types. Your scores are compared to the average scores for your gender to determine your interest levels for each of the six themes. This section will also contain your Holland Code which indicates your highest three themes, along with information about the interests, work activities, potential skills, and values associated with each one. Basic Interest Scales (BIS) BIS Scales represent your top interests based on the work and leisure activities, projects, and coursework that you indicated are most motivating and rewarding. They are categorized under the General Occupational Themes as described in the previous section. Occupational Scales (OS) This section contains a list of occupations that match your interests. It is generated by comparing your interests to those of individuals who work in 122 careers and makes a match based on the theory that people who work in the same occupation share similar interests. Personal Styles Scales (PSS) Personal Styles Scales are your preferences regarding work style, learning environment, leadership style, risk-taking and team orientation. It is helpful to have this information as you begin to research occupations that you might want to pursue. Profile Summary In the Profile Summary, you will find a graphic representation of your results. Consult this as you move forward through the career planning process. Response Summary This section summarizes your responses by category. SourcesDonnay, David A. C. E. K. Strongs Legacy and Beyond 70 Years of the Strong Interest Inventory. Career Development Quarterly. September 1997.Kelly, Kevin R. Review of the Strong Interest Inventory Newly Revised. Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print. 2018.Strong Interest Inventory Sample Report., Vernon G. and Norris, Debra S. Using Assessment Results for Career Development. Pacific Grove, CA Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. 1997.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Learn the Basics of Music Demos
Learn the Basics of Music DemosLearn the Basics of Music DemosA music demo, or simply ademo, is a sample recording of your music. Usually, demos are rough recordings of songs and often do elend include an entire albums worth of material. Demos are frequently sent by bands to record labels to try and land a deal, but they have a few other uses as well. How Musicians and Songwriters Use Demos Demosof new songs can be given to producers before a band goes into the studio. The songwriter in a band may give rough demos of new songs to other band members. If a band or bewegungsknstler is looking for an agent or manager, the demo is a key tool to raise interest. And sometimes,a record label will allow the media to hear demo recordings to build some buzz around an upcoming release. When this does happen, usually only a select few media members will get to hear the demos, and generally, this happens when demos contain finished songs. In other words, songs that are still in the writing and tweaking stage dont often get played for people outside the band and label. Dont Spend Money on Production (At Least Not Yet) One of the most important things to remember about a demo, especially when you are getting started, is that it is not intended to be a finished product. There is no need to spend a lot of money in a recording studio to make a demo. Labels expect your demo to be rough, and no one is going to give you a record deal (or turn you down) based on the recording quality of your demo. Also, remember that a demo should be short. It should contain your best songs three or four is ideal. Demos offer a taste of your music, not your whole catalog. Whats more, when a label receives a demo with studio recorded songs, it may indicate the artist is naive about the way the music industry works. Despite your best intentions, this approach could raise questions about whether or not youre ready to undertake the humbling process of trying to get a music career off the ground. Spending money on a polished demo is not worth the investment, and may end up hurting your chances more than helping. Not Everyone Needs Your Demo A label has to be interested your kind of music to have any interest in releasing your record, so make sure you investigate the labels that you approach with your music. If your band has a sound like Metallica, for instance, dont send your demo to recording labels that work exclusively with hip-hop groups. Know What Youre Getting Into The worst thing you can do is send out a demo blindly. A lot of recording labels have very specific rules about demos that you have to follow if you want to make it through the door. Some require you to get permission to send a demo in the first place. Consider that unsolicited demos could get a label in legal trouble. If theyre not careful, someone could claim that the label ripped off the song form the demo. Demo policies can usually be found on label websites. Respect the rules. A demo doesnt have to be long and drawn out to be effective. Rather, it should be a sample of your work. The goal is to give whoever it is youre trying to reach a taste, so they come asking for more.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
One with the Robot
One with the Robot One with the Robot One with the RobotRobots are making strides but balance isnt exactly a strong suit. For menschenwrdigs, its a different story. What if there was a way to help our robotic buddies stay on their feet?The folks at MIT working on the roughly 100-pound HERMES robot have been asking that very question.Albert Wang, a Ph.D. candidate working on the project, explains that the lab hes a part of is focused on biomimicry, looking at the locomotion and the agility of animals, trying to distill the principles of how they work and put it into machines.Were best known for the cheetah robot thats highly efficient and can run really fast and jump over obstacles, he explains. The HERMES robot was really built as a complement to the cheetah. Where cheetah is a platform for fast locomotion, we were inspired by disaster situations, Fukushima being an obvious one. In that situation you cant send humans because there is too much radiation. Robots could survey but a huma n can assess and use tools and shut valves.With HERMES, you have balance feedback. Instead of just commanding a robot, the human has the sensations they have and that is felt through four sensors, he says. We have an upper body suit a person wears. It looks like a bunch of links and it measures the major positions of a persons body, he says. Around the body are bars that hook up to a persons belt and those provide some forces. You try to trigger reflex responses. The idea is any time you get a feeling, you can respond quickly with the whole body instead of seeing numbers moving that requires more processing. Its not as quick as what you feel or as intuitive.Albert Wang, Ph.D. candidate, MIT. Image John Freidah / MITFor software, they use common development platforms, according to Wang. But pretty much all the code that runs on top is custom, he says. Our particular problem is how do we send tons of motion data and distribute to the joints in the robot quickly. Then send that sensati on of feedback back quickly to the person so they can respond and we capture what theyre doing and send back to the robot. You want quick communication, mapping, and translation.Their motors look different than a traditional robots, he says. Wide radius motors that are a bit flatter than most people are used to seeing, Wang explains. Because theyre so large, they dont need so much gearing. That greatly simplifies the design. Without all unterstellung gears and mechanisms, its not a lot of moving parts. Inertia is quite small. We can be very efficient about the torque were generating so we dont require much energy to generate the force we need.Wang says HERMES could have many potential uses, from telepresence capabilities for doing work from remote locations, to helping older people. To both physically be there through the robot and use your own human senses, its interesting to think about what it could lead to, he says. Humans and robots have been working together but this is a diff erent way.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. Learn more about the latest trends in manufacturing at ASMEs AM3D Conference Expo. For Further Discussion To both physically be there through the robot and use your own human senses, its interesting to think about what it could lead to.Albert Wang, Ph.D. candidate, MIT
Friday, December 13, 2019
7 Top Trends for Women in the Workplace in 2018
7 Top Trends for Women in the Workplace in 20187 Top Trends for Women in the Workplace in 2018 2017 was a pretty amazing year for women in the workplace. We have taken huge strides towards eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace , and it looks like 2018 is going to be a continuation of 2017, with things getting even better. Companies are taking entirely new approaches in how they treat their employees, parteicularly women, and are taking steps to make it easier for all employees to balance their personal lives and their careers. Today we are going to be looking at seven of the top trends for women in the workplace in 2018, and what women can expect in the future from a growing amount of companies.Looking at Non-Traditional Credentials These days, many employers are looking at credentials that they did leid look at as recently as 10 years ago. For instance, they put less focus on certain traditional degrees, and are more open to candidates who have other creden tials that show they have the skills needed to do the jobs they are applying for. So, even if you dont have a degree in computer science, if you have taken courses in coding, or even if you have taught yourself, if you can demonstrate the right knowledge and skills, you may just get the job over someone who has four or more years of university under their belt. Employers are understanding that not all learning is done in school.Use of a Standardized Interview Process Using a standardized interview process is something that is becoming more and more the norm with many employers. This system involves asking each candidate the same questions, and then rating each of their answers on a scale. This is a great way to eliminate objectivity, and find the person who is the best candidate for the job. Of course, the interviewer can still take part in small talk during the interview to make a personal connection, but their ultimate decisions are only going to be based on the answers to th e interview questions . This helps to stop interviewers from rejecting potential employees just because of their first impressions.There are many things that can cause stress in the workplace , and nearly 60 percent of adults say that one of the biggest causes of workplace stress is social divisiveness, even more so than the economic climate. This information comes from a survey from the American Psychological Associations Stress in America The State of Our Nation survey. This survey shows that workplace stress is rising, and companies are discovering that when their employees are stressed out, they are not giving everything they can to their jobs. This year, you will see many employers looking at ways that they can reduce employee stress, and help their employees to be better able to deal with stress, because lets face it, stress is always going to be a fact of life.Many people are at risk of not being hired, promoted, etc. because of bias on the part of the interviewer. This is slowly becoming a thing of the past, thanks to AI technology . By using this technology, a person will not be turned down based on their names, and when they held other positions. AI technology can be tested to ensure that there is no bias by looking at the demographic breakdown of job applicants that are sourced and screened. So, the practice of using demographic information when screening candidates is going to end, and if any group of people is excluded by mistake, the problem can easily be corrected, says an expert from GadgetSalvation .Acts of mismanagement on the behalf of some very well-known companies, including Wells Fargo and Equifax, have led to a lot of mistrust between employers and employees. This is something that many companies are looking to change this year, and continue changing in the future. This is a slow process, but it begins with employers showing that they care about the concerns of their employees. Employers are starting to be seen as more open, by doin g things like encouraging employees to message them with any questions or concerns they have about the workplace and their jobs, and making sure that they are actually responding to those messages in a timely manner. Basically, leaders are taking steps to find ways to build bridges with their employees .There seems to be a new focus on making work more meaningful , so employees are feeling a lot better about what they do every day. Employers are taking steps to help their employees find a meaning or purpose in the work that they do, and to help them become more connected with their work. Studies have shown that the more connected a person is with their job, the happier they are going to be in their job. They will work harder, and be a lot more creative, and in turn, be more productive. They are able to see that their work actually means something to the company, and they are going to be proud of what they are accomplishing. For companies, this means that the turnover rates are goi ng to be much lower, and productivity is going to be higher.In 2017, we saw the MeToo movement , which brought awareness to sexual harassment in Hollywood. That movement took off, and moved into the mainstream, with women in many workplaces and industries stepping up with their own personal stories of sexual harassment in the workplace . Thanks to this movement and those brave women, more and more companies are taking strides towards eliminating sexual harassment. We will start to see some major changes in workplace policies in 2018 and beyond, and no longer will cases of sexual harassment be swept under the rug. We can expect to hear many more stories from women who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, which is only going to fuel the fire to end this practice once and for all.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Ultimate Approach to Example of Teacher Resume
The Ultimate Approach to Example of Teacher Resume To remove the webpage, attempt to create yourself to the table so you are going to want to remove it with higher note. Templates may be used for making CV, resume so as to apply for jobs. Now-a-days many such resume templates can be found the net to use. Ensure your resume is very clear and informative and targeted to the particular teacher job prospect. If your work search is broad, you may require a number of versions of your resume. Its stressful enough trying to find a new job. Individualize each resume to fit the particular job, together with the school. Dont turn into a shrieking shrew if youre not offered the job immediately. Ensure you full every one of the necessities required when applying for work and other pursuits. You will just wind up pestering the people concerned. Do not write what youd like in work. Adequate work and giving a huge salary is the dream of several folks. Example of Teacher Resume for Dumm ies Consequently, job seekers have to fully grasp how to advertise their abilities and credentials with all the help of their primary advertising and marketing record. As you start looking for jobs as a teacher, take some opportunity to assess your targets and abilities. Demonstrate employers that you comprehend the essence of the job and also are knowledgeable about the requirements to get ready for the work properly. If thats the case, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the reach of your abilities and abilities. A resume is extremely essential as its the very first introduction to you. By way of example, teacher how studienplan is modified for meet the requirements of a wide selection of learners is critical. Take your individual statement and make a research undertaking. Dont miss these suggestions to write a greater education curriculum vitae CV. Also be sure you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. This example resume is extremely simple to navigate and conveys all the abilities and traits a hiring administrator is searching for. Employing a resume template is currently an acceptable and smart practice for a number of things. Including teacher resume skills is an important bit of a thriving job application. You didnt make a decision to be a teacher since you wished to turn into rich, you did it since you have passion for education. A teacher resume template needs to be written keeping the essence of job in mind. Incorporating an effective testimonial or quote from her time for a student teacher can help to solidify what she can provide a school district. If youre an elementary teacher resume, note an elementary school teacher is to blame for assisting children with educational and emotional development in the start of their academic decades. Being a technical writer can signify a good deal of things based on the company, the team and the needs of the undertaking. Conseq uently, you have to make your career objective stick out. Before you seek the assistance of any writer, you should be sure of their qualifications. So should you should employ college essay writer online, were just the people who you need to contact.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sustainability and the property industry
Sustainability and the property industry Sustainability and the property industryPosted March 19, 2012, by Aziza Green The dynamic property industry has a wealth of opportunities for anyone who is driven to succeed. The industry now also provides opportunities to make a lasting difference to the planet for future generations. With sustainability becoming the buzzword of our times, professionals from architects to property managers are championing the cause of environmental responsibility. An appreciation of how finite our natural resources are has prompted national and international focus on reducing waste and unnecessary damage to the environment. By focusing on moderating the consumption of natural resources, professionals in the real estate industry can make a difference to the environment as well as align their organisations with the message of sustainability, creating a positive profile in the process. Specialists in every facet of the property industry can incorporate susta inability into their approach. Sustainability can be integrated into the design of commercial and residential buildings, reducing waste and lowering the consumption of natural resources such as energy and water. Green design and development One of the most radical initiatives introduced to help develop a sustainable property industry in Australia was the establishment of the Green Building Council. With 2012 being the ten-year anniversary since its launch, the Green Building Council has driven the annahme an kindes statt of green building practices in the property industry through market-based solutions. The Green Building Council developed a Green Star environment rating system for buildings in 2003. The Green Star rating tools are designed to help businesses reduce the environmental impact of buildings, improve occupant health and productivity, and achieve real cost savings. This tool can be used in a variety of sectors, including commercial offices (through their design, constr uction and interior fit-outs), retail centres, schools and universities, multi-unit residential dwellings, industrial facilities and public buildings. The Green Building Council has reached a landmark of 400 certified Green Star building projects since the program began in 2004. Green management Green lease agreements are another development to facilitate sustainability in the property industry. Property managers and landlords can use green leases to work with tenants to maximise the sustainable elements of the building that they live or work in. Property managers and tenants can negotiate an agreement whereby the tenant agrees to use energy-rated major electrical equipment, reduce electricity and water consumption, and recycle and manage other waste responsibly. In exchange, the property manager agrees to manage the buildings mechanical systems to conserve energy, install water fixtures to reduce water consumption, operate an effective recycling program and more. The combined effor ts of the tenant and the owner or property manager not only reduce the impact of everyday living and working on the environment, but can also represent cost savings on water and electricity for the tenant. The property industry has an important role to play in environmental sustainability. It can significantly reduce the negative impact that a new building has on the environment over time by integrating sustainable features into the design and construction of new buildings. Retrofitting existing buildings with green features is another way that sustainability can be implemented. With constant development in the area of sustainability in property, architecture and development, it is now possible to integrate your desire to make a difference in the world with your passion for buildings. See our real estate courses, architecture courses, building construction courses and environmental courses for more information about how to get into these industries.Real Estate ResourcesProperty manager sample resumeProperty manager sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesSimon Carter - Architect and Sustainability ConsultantGeorgette Mourad - Senior ArchitectInterested in becoming a?Property ManagerReal Estate Sales AgentProperty DeveloperProperty AdviserProperty ValuerPopular Career Searchesproperty services course qldcertificate iv in property services nswgovt funded certificate iv in property services canberracert 4 in property services qldcertificate iv in property services online courseReal Estate CoursesGraduate Diploma of PropertyEnquire zugnglich Enquire OnlineBachelor of Construction ManagementEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineDiploma of Building and Construction (Building)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineAziza GreenRelated ArticlesBrowse moreReal EstateHammer time Considering a career in real estateIf you have a winning way with people and are a skilled negotiator, the real estate industry could be your ticket to a dynamic and lucrative career.Real EstateReal estate careers boom or bust?The property market is booming but does that mean a job in real estate is a sound career move? From courses, to commissions to your competition, weve got all your questions answered.WORKFORCE TRENDSGovernment efforts to save property sectorTwo years ago the Australian property sector was booming. Whether it was in commercial, residential, funds management or development, big bucks were being made and times were good.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sample Informal Employee Recognition Letters
Sample Informal Employee Recognition LettersSample Informal Employee Recognition LettersHere are a few sample thank-you letters that an employer can write to an employee to recognize the employees good work. These are informal employee recognition letter samples. The informal employee recognition letter can be written in minutes. Keep in mind that anemployee recognition letteris also appropriate from coworkers, employees in different departments, managers, supervisors, and executives, as well as from the employees boss. Coworkers are more likely to use the semi-formal or the informal style of employee recognition letter, as opposed to a more formal letter from a boss or supervisor. Dont hesitate to thank and recognize your coworkers for their efforts. Just as ?a?manager can boost morale by praising their employees successes, individual contributors can boost morale by being kind to their coworkers and praising their successes as well. You need help to get your job done correctly and if your coworkers know how much you appreciate them, theyll be more likely to help you in the future. Should you copy your coworkers boss on behauptung informal notes that are written to a coworker? Sometimes, though maybe not for a thanks for your help today note. In the following samples that mention specific accomplishments and tasks, however, letting your coworkers boss know can really make your coworkers day. Sample Recognition Letter Mark, I want you to know how much we appreciate the extra time you put in this week to get the new product orders shipped. The customers were well-served by your extra efforts and thecompany appears customer-oriented because we deliveredon our promised timeline. Thanks so much again. Cathy Sample Recognition Letter 2 Jaysheeri, It welches such a great surprise today when I came in and found out that youd taken care of running the month-end reports while I was out sick yesterday. I was stressed out, thinking about how I would possibly get t hese done today, and was relieved to see that you did them. Talk about a great boost to my day Thank you again. Its great to know that you have my back when Im sick. If I can ever do anything to help you out, please let me know. Thanks, Holly Sample Recognition Letter 3 Brian, Your presentation today was awesome. I think you totally nailed it and even though the clients were pretty silent, I could see by the looks on their faces that they were impressed. Im pretty sure well close this deal because of your hard work today. Im super excited. Thanks, Rachel Sample Recognition Letter 4 Maria, I wanted to thank you for the training session last week. I was dreading going through training for the new HR system. In the past, all technical training has been so dry and boring that I could barely keep my eyes open. To my surprise, your class was not only informative but fascinating. I feel like I really got the information I need to be able to do my job. Now that Ive been using the ne w system for a week, Im laughing at why I was so freaked out about the change. Your class really made the transition smooth. Thanks, Nicholas Conclusions As you can see, it doesnt have to be a long letter or filled with technical terms. Just ask yourself, would I like to receive a thank-you note if I had done that? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and take a couple of minutes to write an email. Your coworkers will appreciate your thoughtfulness. If you departure doing this, you may find yourself receiving this type of note as well. If you have a particularly obnoxious or annoying coworker, praising them when they do something good can start to train them to focus more on the positive things and less on the negative things. You can affect change in this way. If you do receive a note such as this, make sure that you save it. When youre writing your self-evaluation each year, you can refer to these notes and make sure your boss knows about the impact you have had on your organiz ation.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Customize this Outstanding Pharmacology and Pharmaceuticals Resume Template
Customize this Outstanding Pharmacology and Pharmaceuticals Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Pharmacology and Pharmaceuticals Resume TemplateAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in pharmacy and pharmaceuticals are projected to grow through 2026. A neat, detailed resume tailored to the position youre applying for helps your get the attention of hiring managers.Make sure your resume includes your license information, as each state has its own qualifications. Since pharmacy operations vary widely, its important to list the tasks youve performed at previous jobs, including pharmacy software experience. If youve completed any post-secondary education in pharmacy-related fields, be sure and note that on your resume.Take a look at the pharmacology and pharmaceuticals resume template below to create a winning document of your own. Create ResumeRhonda Abrahams100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019Home(555) 322-7337 Cell (555) 322-7337example-emailexample.comProfessional S ummaryLoudoun Hospital Center 12/89 to 09/04 Pharmacy TechnicianFilled multi patient medication carts. Filled medication orders from nursing units from physicians . Filled and maintained automated medication system (pyxis) . Filled and maintained physical control medication inventory. Also filled in for inventory control manager when out or vacation. Made intravenous medications for patients using 795 guidelines. (sterile Technique). Created labels and documents on aber sicher programs .Inova Fair Oaks Hospital 08/99 to 9/04 Pharmacy Technician IIFilled medication orders from nursing floors. Filled and maintained automated medicaton system (Suremed) Filled in for inventory control manager. Made intravenous medications using 797 guidlines . Performed multiple compunding forms for patients not available.Hart Tree Preservation 12/04 to 12/09 Tree care traineeTrimmed trees and chipped brush. learned to climb and use rigging to lower limbs and debris. Ran heavy equipment and got CDL to d rive bucket truck. Ran chainsaws and other power equipment.Leesburg Pharmacy 12/09 to present Compounding Technician.Learned to compound multiple medication forms capsules suppositories troches, trans dermal creams and lotions using 795 guidlines. Also make sterile intravenous opthalmic, otic suspensions using 797 guidelines.LicensesCertified Pharmacy Technician (cpht) PTCB 12/98 to present License number 120104349088716. Expires 11/31/2014Certified Pharmacy Technician (Virginia Dept of health Professions)License 0230002060 Expires 12/ 31/ 2013Skill HighlightsExcellent telephone etiquette . Get along well with all staff. Excellent relations with all staff. Excellent training in 795 and 797 medication guidelines. Multiple computer systems and well trained in each systems .Professional ExperienceCompounding TechnicianSeptember 2009 to Current Leesburg Pharmacy (Compounding Center) Leesburg , VACheri Garvin Head Pharmacist and CEO (703) 777-5333Tree Care traineeSeptember 2004 to Sept ember 2009 Hart Tree Preservation Leesburg, VAPharmacy technician IIAugust 1999 to September 2004 Inova Fair Oaks Hospital Center Chantilly , VATrang Ngo (703) 391-3640)Pharmacy TechnicianDecember 1989 to August 1999 Loudoun Hospital Center Leesburg, VirginiaJoann Neuffer Supervisor (703) 858-6330Education and TrainingHigh School Diploma 1988 Loudoun Valley High School Purcellville , Virginia, USACustomize ResumeMore Healthcare Resume TemplatesEntry Level Pharmacology and Pharmaceuticals Resume TemplatesEntry Level Medical Technology and Equipment Resume Templates
Thursday, November 21, 2019
3 Tips for Writing an (Amazing) Executive Resume
3 Tips for Writing an (Amazing) Executive Resume3 Tips for Writing an (Amazing) Executive Resume1You are finally sitting down to write or update your executive resume. It seems a daunting task if you havent updated in years. So much to put on paperwhere do you begin? Your resume will be read by executive recruiters, HR managers, C-suites, board members, and more. What will help you to stand out against a sea of competition?The hiring person has a clear idea in mind of the type of leader they are looking to hire. What your resume needs to convey is that you have/are exactly what they are looking for. Just adding your responsibilities wont cut it. They want to know how you can help them.Here the top three tips to help you tell your story in an executive resumeIts about them. Keep in mind that the hiring manager wants to know what you can do, and more importantly, what you can do for them. They already know that you want a position that will move your career forward- no need to tell the m that. Instead, wow them with your accomplishments. I find that so many of our clients have forgotten what theyve done, because really, who immediately records their accomplishments the minute they have done it?Not many. They do their jobs and move on to the next task. Think about each role youve had in the past 10-15 years. What did you do there that, for example, increased revenue, cut overhead, or helped ease a transition? Be specific about where and when you made your accomplishments. Keep your achievements focused toward the role you are trying to get. Letting the reader know what you have done lets them know what you can do for them as well. Dont be shybrag about yourselfBrand yourself.You are the expert, the leader, the one tasked with running the company. You have expertise in the role you are going for. Does it look that way on your executive resume? Have you branded yourself as an expert? If you are going for a CFO role, does your resume sell you on your financial leaders hip, MA experience, investor relations, PL autonomy, funding, operating budgets, portfolio management, and more? Get as detailed as possible about your role and how you excel in your specialized areas. Stay consistent with that theme throughout the document.People judge your resume by how it looks.The old adage, you shouldnt judge a book by its cover unfortunately doesnt work with your resume. If you are using a standard Microsoft template for your resume, it will look like a standard Microsoft template- just anotlageher sheep in the flock. The wonderful thing about todays resumes is that you can get a little more creative with them. Im not talking clip art of dollar bill symbols throughout, but a touch of color or a graph adds interest and works wonders at getting the attention your resume deserves.Bonus tip Social media.In todays job market its just as important to have your social media profiles up to date as it is your executive resume. Did you know that 97 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn when searching for or vetting candidates? Make sure every profile you maintain is current and powerful.Chances are, you already have this information chronologically organized in your brain. Once you begin, the writing will flow and youll be done before you know it. Make sure to have someone else check it for errors- then you are on your wayReaders, what tips have you used for writing an executive resume? Share your ideas with us belowErin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, BS/HR,is a certified professional resume writer/career consultant, andthe president of Professional Resume Services. She is anationallypublishedwriter and contributor of 14 best-sellingcareer books. She has achieved international recognition following yearly nominations of the prestigiousT.O.R.I. (Toast of the Resume Industry) Award. members receive a special discount on Professional Resume Services
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